
March 27, 2023

What Foods Help Whiten Teeth Naturally?

Whiten Teeth

Far from the treatments – as expensive as they are painful – to whiten teeth, there are homemade and natural options which have the same effect. There are certain foods and certain fruits or vegetables which, being included in our daily menu, will collaborate with our dental health and beauty. Simple to obtain and very cheap, here is a guide to the 5 most efficient products.


Rich in fiber, folic acid, potassium, beta-carotene, calcium and magnesium, carrots stand out for the large amount of vitamin A and antioxidants they provide to the body. To whiten your teeth, you can either eat them raw or rub a piece on your teeth after brushing, she advises. better with health. This will help cleanse your mouth thoroughly, fight plaque bacteria, and make our teeth shine.


With acidic and antibacterial properties, this fruit helps remove stains, reduce tartar and have fresher breath. To make the most of its virtues, it is advisable to extract its juice and mix it with a little water. Swishes are made with this liquid. Another natural way to use it is to add a pinch of salt to a few pieces the size of your mouth and then place it on your teeth.


Dairy products in general, and cheese in particular, promote health and are very beneficial for bone tissue and the strength of our bones. Cheese also has the ability to regulate the pH inside the mouth and helps prevent. In this sense, the ideal is to consume about 30 grams of low-fat cheese a day, recommends the aforementioned site.


In addition to being delicious, strawberries are rich in antioxidants, malic acid and vitamin C. All these components contribute to giving the teeth a white and healthy color.For this purpose it is advisable to eat two or three strawberries or strawberries before brushing your teeth. Another option would be to scrub the surface of the tooth pieces directly with one of them.


Grapes are high in malic acid, making them a perfect fruit for natural teeth whitening.In addition, the antioxidants they contain act as bactericides in the mouth. Therefore, they are also indicated to prevent inflammation and discomfort in the whole area.


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