
oral health

Baking Soda Used To Brush Teeth?

Baking Soda

According to an article from the YBdent Dental Clinic, to keep your natural whiteness and shine brush your teeth with sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) can help remove stains and lighten the enamel slightly at home, provided it is first consulted and approved by a dentist. Benefits of brushing your teeth with baking soda […]

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Why Straight Teeth Are Important For Your Health

Straight Teeth

Straight teeth improve your smile, which boosts your confidence and enhances your quality of life. Studies highlight that people associate straight teeth with happiness, health, and higher intellect. Let’s read about the benefits of having perfectly aligned teeth. The benefits of straight teeth A set of straight teeth can help […]

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Miss Brushing Your Teeth a Few Times?


Forgetting to brush your teeth every once in a while is a fact of life. Maybe you fell asleep on the couch and didn’t wake up until morning. Or perhaps you struggle to brush your teeth regularly due to a health condition that makes hygiene tasks more challenging. Whatever is […]

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It’s Not Just Sugary Food That’s Responsible for Poor Oral Health

Oral Health

Brushing your teeth is essential for maintaining optimal oral health, but like most aspects of health, the full story is more complicated. As directors of the Center for Oral Health Research in Appalachia, we know firsthand that inequalities exist when it comes to oral health, including in children. Some people […]

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