
August 19, 2024

Sports Drinks Can Damage Your Child’s Teeth

Sports Drinks

Summertime often means plenty of sports and activities for kids. Your child is more than likely exerting themselves in hot and humid weather and keeping them hydrated is a major concern. Some parents may turn to sports drinks for getting the job done, but these drinks may be the cause of more trips to the pediatric dentist for oral health problems.

Sports drinks can be harmful to teeth due to their high sugar content and high levels of acidity, according to the International Association for Dental Research. While most consumers believe that they are drinking something healthy when consuming a sports drink, the truth is that these beverages can be more damaging to teeth than soda.

The high acid content present in most sports drinks is enough to weaken tooth enamel, which makes the teeth more susceptible to bacteria and tooth decay. Weakened, or softened, tooth enamel can also lead to:

  • Damage to the tissue under the enamel as well as the enamel of the teeth
  • Hypersensitivity (extreme sensitivity to temperature changes or touch)
  • Susceptibility to staining of the teeth

The sugar contained in most sports drinks worsens the situation by encouraging bacterial growth once it settles on the teeth, sports drinks can be harmful to your teeth by promoting dental cavities.

Preventing Damage From Sports Drinks

Exposure is an important factor in whether sports drinks can be harmful to your teeth. Drinking a sports beverage all at once is much better for your child’s teeth than sipping it leisurely over several hours. Another preventive measure includes having your child rinse their mouth out with water to cleanse their teeth after consumption.

Sports drinks were created to replace lost electrolytes after intense physical activity or exercise. Using them for that purpose alone will help ensure that your child is not over-consuming them and exposing his/her teeth to unnecessary sugars and acid.


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