
August 26, 2024

Questions to Ask at Your Child’s Back-to-School Dental Visit

Dental Visit

School will be back in session before you know it. Whether your child will be in the classroom or learning from home, a healthy smile is still a back-to-school essential. Some schools require a back-to-school dental visit. Still, it’s always a good time of year to schedule one of your child’s regular visits. “We can help spot and take care of any issues so your child doesn’t have to miss class once school starts,” says ADA pediatric dentist Dr. Mary Hayes. “It’s also a great time to help get back on track if some of your child’s dental habits fell away during summer, when normal routines can go out the window and there are a lot more treats around.”

And just as this school year might be looking a bit different for your child, their back-to-school appointment will have some changes too. Read “COVID-19: What to Expect When Your Dentist’s Office Reopens” to learn more about the steps your child’s dentist is taking to keep them safe at their appointment.

Here are a few questions to ask at your child’s appointment:

How Is My Child’s Overall Dental Health?

The dentist will be looking at the big picture of your child’s mouth, including teeth and gums. “We will check to make sure teeth are lining up correctly, your child’s bite is in good shape and to keep an eye out for any [orthodontic] issues that may show up later,” Dr. Hayes says. “We’re also making sure baby teeth are going to the Tooth Fairy like they should.”

Will My Child Get a Cleaning Today?

This is a must, no matter how well your child brushes. “Even if your child—or you, for that matter—brushes twice a day, it’s not possible to get rid of all the bacteria that can lead to cavities,” Dr. Hayes says. “And on the other hand, you may have a child who goes off to camp and never opens their toothbrush.”

That’s why a professional cleaning goes a long way. “It removes more of the cavity-causing bacteria and helps to keep gum tissue healthy,” she says. “It can also remove most or many stains from teeth.”


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Give us a call to schedule your next dental visit today!
