
July 8, 2024

Here Are The Top Ways To Whiten Teeth

Whiten Teeth

Since your smile is one of the first things you present to the world, your teeth can hugely impact your self-esteem. Luckily, the dental industry has created various at-home and in-office treatments for a dazzling, pearly white grin. Heck, there are even home remedies for teeth whitening and teeth whitening hacks for those looking for cheaper and/or more “natural” alternatives. While many treatments exist, though, the question remains: Which treatments are both safe and effective? To find out, we chatted with a few dentists for their top tips on how to whiten yellow teeth. Keep reading to learn more.

Why Teeth Turn Yellow

Before diving into the best ways to whiten teeth, let’s discuss why your teeth might be discolored to begin with. “Both genetics and a person’s lifestyle are factors that cause teeth yellowing,” says cosmetic dentist Jon Marashi, DDS. “[Certain] foods and beverages can cause staining if they sit on your teeth and attach to the surface,” he says. “Drinking beverages such as coffee, tea, and red wine and eating foods, such as turmeric and other spices and berries, can cause teeth staining. This is what we call extrinsic staining.” Other lifestyle choices and factors that contribute to extrinsic staining include smoking and chewing tobacco as well as taking certain medications. Then there’s intrinsic staining. “This is the darkening of the inside of the tooth, which makes the overall tooth color darker,” Dr. Marashi says.

Effective At-Home Teeth Whitening Treatments

The most popular at-home teeth whitening treatments include brushing with whitening toothpastes, trays, and strips. These whitening products are made with either hydrogen or carbamide peroxide. “If you have sensitive teeth, you’ll want to look for a lower percentage of around 6 percent.” Dr. Marashi says. “If you don’t have teeth sensitivity, there are options with a higher concentration, up to 15 percent hydrogen peroxide. This will deliver faster results.” For quicker results, Dr. Sands says to opt for whitening strips or trays over whitening toothpaste. “These products are applied directly to the teeth and left on for a specified amount of time, usually ranging from 30 minutes to overnight,” he says. However, Dr. Lowenberg adds that these products “provide short-term whitening and will never be as effective as in-office whitening due to strips having a much weaker percentage of hydrogen peroxide.” Still, for a quick brightening boost before a big event, they come in handy.


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