Acute pain is pain that is provoked by disease or injury, and is associated with musculoskeletal spasm and nervous system activation. While acute pain often resolves, pain that lasts longer than 3 months is considered to be chronic. Acute orofacial pain can result from pathological conditions, underlying disease processes, and/or their treatment. Pain can be […]
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Is there anyone who hasn’t fallen in love with a baby’s smile? But it is as important to be aware of the need to protect its teeth. Primary teeth start sprouting in a baby at six months. And the parent should start dental care even before that. Bottle Feeding Caries or Nursing Bottle Caries is […]
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We all have that friend who takes meticulous care of their teeth, consistently flossing and brushing after every snack and meal. But as it turns out, over-brushing your teeth isn’t good for your dental health. Brushing your teeth too much can wear down your enamel and cause receding gums, Tasios said. This is called toothbrush […]
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Alcohol is often included in many social activities, but we all know the effects of too much alcohol in one night. The headache, grogginess, and nausea are probably enough to make you give up alcohol for a short time (and perhaps even prevent you from drinking in excess again). After all, long-term heavy drinking can […]
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Taking good care of your teeth may be linked to better brain health, according to a study published in the July 5, 2023, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study found that gum disease and tooth loss were linked to brain shrinkage in the hippocampus, which plays a […]
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Professional teeth-whitening treatments involve bleaching one’s teeth to have them appear more white in color. Typically performed in a dental office, some dentists offer patients take-home kits. Alternatively, many drug stores sell name-brand teeth-whitening products in the form of adhesive strips, gel pens, and more. “Teeth-whitening products are generally pretty safe to use,” dentist Alina Lee […]
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Did you know your teeth and mouth can provide valuable insights into your sleep quality? As a dentist, I’ve seen firsthand how understanding the relationship between oral health and sleep health can help people identify underlying sleep problems, like sleep apnea. From there, they can seek timely intervention to improve their sleep and overall health. Teeth […]
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In recent years, the importance of perioperative oral management has increased and is recommended for patients with malignancies, pulmonary diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. The association between oral management and malignancies, pulmonary diseases, and gastrointestinal diseases has been extensively reported, with the consensus that patients benefit from perioperative oral care. Dental diseases have been […]
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Even though your baby may not have cut any teeth yet, it’s never too early to think about dental care. Here’s how to make sure your kids keep their pearly whites healthy for life. THE BABY DAYS Infants need oral care even before their teeth come in, says Elisa J. Velazquez, DMD, MSD, president of […]
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If you think sugar, soda, and sticky sweets are bad for your teeth, you’re right. But there’s something even worse: sipping. Think about that coffee sitting on your desk, the tea you sip throughout the day, and every cup you do not finish in one swift go. Research shows that acid is the primary determinant of a […]
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