
What Foods Help Whiten Teeth Naturally?

Whiten Teeth

Far from the treatments – as expensive as they are painful – to whiten teeth, there are homemade and natural options which have the same effect. There are certain foods and certain fruits or vegetables which, being included in our daily menu, will collaborate with our dental health and beauty. Simple to obtain and very cheap, […]

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How Should You Brush Your Teeth?

Brush Your Teeth

Brush your teeth is something we all should do twice every single day. Or least should be doing. But, according to experts, many of us have actually been doing it completely wrong. With more people than ever skipping their routine dental checkups over the past few years due to COVID, it is crucial to maintain good oral […]

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Do Babies Get Tooth Decay?


Tooth decay (dental caries) is one of the most common chronic childhood diseases in the United States. The good news is there are ways to prevent it. Even the tiniest teeth can decay. There are habits you can start now to keep your baby’s teeth healthy. And when that first tooth shows up, there are […]

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How The Aging Process Can Affect Your Teeth

Aging Process

We all hear about the importance of taking care of our teeth every time we go to the dentist, and there’s a reason why. Aside from showing off your beautiful smile, teeth are essential for eating, speaking, and creating facial expressions during social interactions. A person’s teeth develop in phases throughout their lifetime, much like […]

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The Absolute Worst Foods for Your Teeth

Worst Foods For Your Teeth

To ensure you’re staying away from the top offenders and eating as many teeth-friendly foods as possible, below is a list of the worst foods for your teeth, according to dentists. It includes all those foods your mom limited growing up—like candy and soda (sorry!)—and a few others that might surprise you. Worst Foods For […]

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Baking Soda Used To Brush Teeth?

Baking Soda

According to an article from the YBdent Dental Clinic, to keep your natural whiteness and shine brush your teeth with sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) can help remove stains and lighten the enamel slightly at home, provided it is first consulted and approved by a dentist. Benefits of brushing your teeth with baking soda ​1) Reduces plaque and gingivitis: biofilms […]

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Why Straight Teeth Are Important For Your Health

Straight Teeth

Straight teeth improve your smile, which boosts your confidence and enhances your quality of life. Studies highlight that people associate straight teeth with happiness, health, and higher intellect. Let’s read about the benefits of having perfectly aligned teeth. The benefits of straight teeth A set of straight teeth can help you maintain proper oral hygiene […]

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How Often Do People Floss Their Teeth?


When you think about your least favorite chores, flossing your teeth might be right up there with scrubbing the toilet. It’s a bothersome task that could easily be forgotten — but is forgoing flossing bad for your health? According to the American Dental Association (ADA), cleaning between our teeth with something like dental floss, a […]

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Vaping May Damage Teeth


On top of their other health hazards, electronic cigarettes may help rot your teeth, a new study suggests. Vaping appears to promote cavities, which can result in tooth loss if not treated quickly, experts say. “If you are vaping, be aware that there are potentially some detrimental oral health effects,” said lead researcher Dr. Karina […]

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Is It Better To Brush Your Teeth Before Breakfast or After?

Brush Before or After

Everyone knows that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day: once in the morning and once before bedtime. But when it comes to your morning routine, is it better to brush before or after breakfast? The truth is that few studies have looked into this question and their results have been mixed […]

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