
July 21, 2022

Baby Teeth And What You Need To Know

Baby Teeth

Baby teeth are something to smile about

Your little one is growing up quickly and those baby teeth will be coming into his or her mouth before you know it. Learn why they are important and be prepared to care for your child’s teeth using the information and tips below.

Why Are Baby Teeth Important?

You may wonder why these itty bitty teeth matter since they are going to fall out of the mouth one day. They have many important roles in the mouth. They are needed for eating, speaking and smiling. They also help keep the space in the jaws for adult teeth. Your child will lose their first baby tooth around age 6 when the adult teeth begin to come into the mouth. If your child loses a baby tooth too early, talk to your child’s dentist about options to keep the correct space in the mouth for the adult tooth to come in normally.

When Do I See Baby Teeth?

These teeth will break through the gums and into the mouth around 6 months of age. These are usually the front bottom teeth. The last to come into the mouth around age 3 are in the very back of the mouth in the upper jaw. At this age, your child will likely have 10 top teeth and 10 bottom teeth.

How Do I Take Care of Baby Teeth?

Brush 2 times a day (morning and night) with fluoride toothpaste to prevent cavities. For newborns, wipe the gums with a wet cloth or pad to keep the mouth clean. For children younger than age 3, use an amount of toothpaste that is the size of a grain of rice. For children 3 years and older, use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Help your child brush their teeth for 2 minutes until you feel sure that your child will brush all sides of their teeth well.


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