
Josh Morganai

Smart Snacks for Healthy Teeth

Smart Snacks

Encourage your kids to eat smart snacks Getting your kids to eat smart snacks like fruit, veggies and yogurt instead of candy, chips and ice cream might feel like pulling teeth. But it’s important to encourage them to eat smart snacks to keep their teeth – and body – healthy. […]

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Importance of Good Dental Hygiene Stretches Beyond a Smile

dental hygiene

Teeth are one of the busiest organs of the human body-Dental Hygiene Our recklessness often neglects our oral health (dental health) in eating habits and hygiene routines. Our overall well-being is dependent upon our dental hygiene. A single shred of bacteria can set our whole body in pain and jeopardy […]

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How Fixing Your Teeth Could Be The Key To A Youthful Face

Fixing Your Teeth

Dr. Sam Muslin  Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could take years off of your appearance with a quicker and less painful procedure that would ensure long-lasting results?-Fixing your Teeth Absolutely! Aging takes a toll on your body and face. Your skin loses its elasticity and tone. You may notice […]

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How To Fight Dry Mouth Syndrome

Dry Mouth Syndrome

Too much saliva can be unsightly and embarrassing; too little can cause dry mouth syndrome. Most people would rather not talk about saliva.  Without an active supply of saliva to help defend your mouth from bacteria, fungi and viruses, you can become especially vulnerable to cavities and gum disease. The […]

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