
Josh Morganai

Toothpaste and Orange Juice – Not a Good Match

orange juice

Ever wonder why orange juice tastes so bad after you brush your teeth? You can thank sodium laureth sulfate, also known as sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES), or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) for ruining your drink, depending on which toothpaste you use. Both of these chemicals are surfactants — wetting […]

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Are Oral Piercings Safe?

Oral piercings

Oral piercings are a form of body art and self-expression that’s all the rage among teenagers and young adults. While piercings of the tongue, lip or cheek might seem safe because “everyone has them,” that’s not entirely true. The mouth is a moist place, which means it’s a breeding ground […]

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Hot Beverages Contribute to Tooth Staining

Hot Beverages

Estimates suggest that annually Americans consume 45 million pounds of caffeine from hot beverages. Hot coffee and teas are the most popular sources for the legal psychoactive stimulant drug. Both beverages are associated with having dental health perks as black coffee has been found to lower acid levels on teeth, […]

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Sippy Cup: Friend Or Foe?

sippy cup

The sippy cup is a spill proof, lid-covered drinking cup designed to help parents teach their toddlers how to drink without spilling. Children can toss it, drop it and turn it upside down, but they can’t spill its contents. That’s thanks to a valve in the top that releases liquid […]

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Dental Care Checklist for Adults

Dental Care Checklist

Dental Care Checklist: Don’t let dental visits slide! Adult life can sometimes be a juggling act and it may feel like you just can’t find the time for a dental visit. But making time for regular dental visits now can help keep you out of the dental office in the […]

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Bad Habits Your Oral Health Would Like You to Break

Bad Habits

Bad Habits Did you know that a lot of little things you do (or don’t do) could be bad habits that are affecting your oral health? These include everything from not brushing or flossing enough, to eating too many sweets, to even using your teeth to open a bag of […]

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Mouthguards: Built to Protect and Preserve


Mouthguards An active lifestyle calls for active safety. And while helmets, goggles and knee pads have become standard equipment to protect our bodies, it’s important to remember to protect your teeth as well. Mouthguards offer an easy, reliable method to cushion your teeth during athletic and recreational activity. Participating in […]

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Pacifiers and Baby Bottles: Comforting or Concerning?

Pacifiers and Baby Bottles

Pacifiers and Baby Bottles – When it comes to sucking, babies are naturals — maybe because they practice even before they are born! Children begin sucking on their thumb while in the womb to develop the skills necessary for breastfeeding. And for many kids, this skill has an added bonus: […]

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Dental Self Care for Moms (and Moms-to-Be)

Dental Self Care for Moms

Dental Self Care for Moms who deserve to be celebrated every day. So, if you’re a mom, it’s time to give yourself a gift that lasts a lifetime — the gift of great dental health. We get it, moms are busy people. But even if you don’t think you have […]

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